Sunday, August 26, 2012

Anchorage Aug. 20-24, 2012

East mountain view from Gold Nugget RV park Anchorage
Denali from earthquake park in Anchorage 250 miles away. You just make out the image in the clouds.
Closeup of Denali
Southeast of Anchorage from earthquake park. This park is a memorial to the 1964 earthquake tragedy.

Alaskan Native Cultural Heritage Center
Many different styles of dwellings they lived in.

Song Dance, they are composed of experiences in their lives, they sing to chants and drums about something that happened in ones life. There are famous composers and just everyday people right them down and where generally acted out in the winter when not much could be done, and they gave thanks for all they received throughout the year. They do this in Siberia also and they borrow each others stories an music. The gentleman dancing composed this one about loading his grandfathers truck with firewood.

Four Nation Log Longhouse Inuit, Aleut, Yup'ik and Nup'ik.
Inuit Longhouse similar to the Iroquois, but much more robust. The board siding had spaces in between in the summer for air cooling and the wood swelled in the fall and remained sealed all winter to keep in the heat. Four tribes had toad-um poles each carved a little different with different symbols.
Aug. 20-24, 2012 We spent a few days in Anchorage, making calls, taking care of business, visiting with freinds and hit some favorite resturants and did our souvinor shopping, grocery shopping and clothes shopping.

1 comment:

  1. really enjoying all the pictures and account of the trip!!
